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Graphic Designer - Guildford

Graphic Designer

Every logo, every brochure layout and every “click here” button is the work of a graphic designer. It’s probably true to say that if a graphic designer has done a good job, the viewer hardly recognises that they are looking at their work – but if the design is bad, they are the first person to blame. That’s why a qualified graphic designer is so crucial to any organisation that is aiming to communicate and turn browsers into customers.

Graphic design is often compared to art, but in reality it’s an exercise in problem solving. There’s a goal and an available space, and it’s the graphic designer’s job to utilise imagery, colour and words that make the user perform an action. In this respect it’s psychological, and the knowledge of how people react to all sorts of visual cues is what makes the graphic designer an expert in their trade.

So next time you effortlessly browse through a website or admire a poster, just remember that it’s all because a graphic designer has skillfully put it together to make your journey easier

The skills required

Graphic design recruitment focuses on two elements: the education and the portfolio. Many businesses want to work with fully trained graphic designers who have a degree in the subject, or something similar such as illustration or art and design. That assures them that you understand the human element of the discipline as well as the technical requirements

You’ll need a strong portfolio of your work. That should include as much recent work as possible, and it should preferably also include details of the brief you were given and the turnaround times you delivered, as an end product often doesn’t tell the whole story.

Graphic Designer Jobs in Guildford

Located 26 miles (46 km) south west of the centre of London , Surrey's county town Guildford is a historic setting in England's South. For a time, between the 10th and the 13th centuries the Royal Mint was located here, and that's not the town's only association with precious things – the “Guild” part of its name relates to gold. Guildford's castle was built during this time, too.

Guildford was one of the first towns to have a canal dug through it, in the mid-1600s, about 100 years before the national boom in canals. Named the Wey Navigation, it linked directly to the River Thames to allow the fast transportation of heavy goods to and from the capital. Although the town has never been the location of heavy industry, it has always been a good place to do business, and that is certainly true today, with several international companies having offices or head offices there. The list includes Philips Electronics, Colgate-Palmolive, Ericsson, Allianz, Electronic Arts and Sanofi. Since EA is not the only major video game producer in town, Guildford has something of a reputation of being an entertainment software capital.

Guildford is a reasonably affluent town and is a firm favourite among London's commuters who still want to live in a thriving town with plenty going on. Its population is around 70,000, and there are places such as the Surrey Research Park with plenty of exciting innovations being developed. Despite the lack of heavy industry, Graphic Designer positions do come up in Guildford, and we're best placed to locate them when they arise.

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Graphic design recruitment at Cast UK

Graphic designers are an integral part of every successful marketing team, so if you are missing that vital element in your department, you should speak to Cast UK today. Call 0333 121 3345 to speak to one of our consultants – we can put you in touch with the best qualified designers in your sector.

If you’ve got your portfolio together and have the relevant education and/or experience, there are marketing agencies and businesses looking for your graphic design talents right now. Register with us below to leave your details.

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