Head of Merchandising - Sheffield

Head of Merchandising jobs

Overseeing the merchandising department, this role often involves working with the UK and international function, where appropriate, to identify new market opportunities and partner relationships.

Head of Merchandising often works closely with Head of Buying in a business to deliver appropriate ranges that are seasonally focused, ensuring key international events and counter-seasonal markets are catered for.

Central to partner communications, Head of Merchandising roles are brand ambassadors in all meetings and negotiations and there is an emphasis on working with the senior leadership team to define and deliver a clear strategy for the future.

This role involves leading and motivating the team to ensure consistently high standards and best practice are maintained across all processes.

The role offers the opportunity to build and consolidate relationships with existing stores, wholesale and franchise partners through on-going communication and delivery of mutual objectives.

The skills required

As Head of Merchandising you will have experience of working within international wholesale and franchise models, with extensive knowledge of buying and merchandising principles and processes. An understanding of global markets is essential as well as the ability to translate customer insight into working practice.

As a skilled communicator you will be a confident negotiator and well versed in relationship building.

Commercial acumen is mandatory as Head of Merchandising as well as the ability to think strategically. In a fast-moving market, resilience is a valued quality as well as being an agile thinker and problem solver.

Head of Merchandising Jobs in Sheffield

Situated in South Yorkshire , Sheffield was a prominent player in the steel industry for hundreds of years. This began with the manufacture of cutlery in the 1500s and grew with the discovery of crucible steel in the 1740s.

Further innovations included Sheffield plating and the creation of stainless steel, an important development in the industrial revolution that led to a significant increase in the city's population. By the 19th century, the city had become pivotal in the steel industry.

Ironwork and coal mining were also big business in the region, while the outlying areas produced limestone - including the stone used to build the Palace of Westminster.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Sheffield suffered economically as the coal industry collapsed and the iron and steel industries struggled with international competition. Over the last ten years, however, the city has experienced a rebirth and it is now a fashionable destination known for its shopping and green spaces.

Today, the only remaining steelworks is Forgemasters. The city's economy has moved on and for those seeking Head of Merchandising vacancies in Sheffield, the major industries now include telecommunications, manufacturing and construction. Some of the top employers include BT, Land Instruments International, Barclays and Swann Morton.

Popular locations

Search for Head of Merchandising opportunities with Cast UK

As market leading recruitment specialists for professional level merchandising roles, Cast UK is committed to building long-term relationships with our clients, enabling us to understand their business models and the positions they are recruiting.

We get to know the personalities and objectives of each candidate; understanding what motivates them, and the appropriate cultural fit for them. This attention to detail means that we are able to make excellent matches between applicants and employers, making placements that are lasting and mutually rewarding.

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit a Head of Merchandising role for your business or find you a job as Head of Merchandising, contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345

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