Which Sustainability Skills are Key to Progress your Supply Chain Career?

Matthew Owen

Feb 28, 2024

Which Sustainability Skills are Key to Progress your Supply Chain Career?


In the rapidly evolving world of procurement, supply chain, and logistics, sustainability has emerged as a critical focus area. As companies strive for more environmentally friendly and socially responsible operations globally, the demand for professionals equipped with sustainability skills is high - here at CAST we saw a 100% increase in the demand for sustainability roles in the last 12 months alone. So, whether you're a seasoned expert in the field or just starting out, understanding which sustainability skills are key can significantly progress your career. 

The shift towards sustainability in supply chain operations has been driven by a combination of regulatory requirements, consumer expectations, and the intrinsic value organizations place on environmental stewardship and social responsibility. This shift is not just about reducing carbon footprints or minimizing waste; it's about rethinking how supply chains operate in harmony with our planet and societies. 

Companies are recognizing that sustainable supply chains are not only beneficial for the environment and society but also contribute to long-term profitability and resilience against global challenges like climate change.

Key Sustainability Skills in Demand

Supply chain professionals need to arm themselves with a range of sustainability skills to progress their careers. Here are some of the most sought-after by our clients;

1. Understanding of Sustainable Practices

A good understanding of sustainable practices and principles is fundamental. This includes knowledge of renewable energy sources, waste reduction techniques, sustainable sourcing, and circular economy models. Professionals should be familiar with the environmental impacts of supply chain operations and how to mitigate them.

2. Regulatory Knowledge

With an increasing number of regulations and standards focused on sustainability, such as the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), professionals need to stay informed about relevant laws and guidelines. This includes understanding how to comply with international, national and industry-specific regulations.

3. Data Analysis and Metrics

The ability to measure and analyze sustainability metrics is crucial. Professionals must know how to use data to track supply chain performance against sustainability targets, identify areas for improvement, and report on progress. This includes familiarity with sustainability reporting standards and software tools designed for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data management.

4. Stakeholder Engagement

Sustainability initiatives often require collaboration across different departments within an organization, as well as with suppliers, customers, and other external stakeholders. It follows then that skills in stakeholder engagement, communication, and collaboration are essential for driving sustainable changes and building partnerships supporting sustainability goals.

5. Innovation and Problem Solving

As sustainability challenges can be complex, innovative thinking and problem-solving skills are key. Professionals need to be able to think creatively to develop new solutions that improve sustainability, such as redesigning products for recyclability, optimizing logistics routes to reduce emissions, or implementing new technologies for better resource management.

6. Risk Management

Understanding and managing the risks associated with climate change, resource scarcity, and social issues are increasingly important. Therefore, professionals should be skilled in assessing and mitigating risks related to sustainability, ensuring supply chain resilience in the face of environmental and social challenges.

7. Strategic Thinking

The ability to develop and implement long-term sustainability strategies that align with the company’s business objectives. This involves setting clear goals, identifying opportunities for improvement, and integrating sustainability into the core business processes.

The demand for sustainability skills is not a passing trend—it's an integral part of how businesses need to operate to succeed. By developing these key skills, professionals can not only advance their careers but contribute to the creation of supply chains that are efficient and profitable, and also responsible and resilient. 


For further information, check out our recently published “Salary Benchmarking & Skills Guide 2024” here.

It provides salary benchmarking and key skills for all CAST UK’s specialisms; Procurement & Purchasing, Supply Chain, Logistics, Transport & Warehousing, Buying & Merchandising, HR & People, and Sales.

Salary Benchmarking & Skills Guide 2024