Vendor Scheduler - Nottingham

Vendor Scheduler jobs

A number of things influence productivity in a manufacturing setting. New products might gradually grow in popularity and build up demand over time – or they might become an overnight sensation and go stratospheric in months. There will be seasonal demands for various products associated with climate, weather, festivals etc. The sales and marketing team will engage in promotions and appear at trade shows, which can lead to spikes in sales.

While increased sales is undoubtedly a good thing, if they are not keeping up with demand it’s a missed opportunity for the business. The vendor scheduler will be employed to keep every party in a manufacturing process informed of their expected workflows and demands as they rise and fall in response to the various stimuli. One of the most important contacts will be with the suppliers of components and raw materials, as it is ultimately they who will be the facilitators of increased productivity. Should they look like struggling with meeting demand, alternative or additional sources will need to be sought.

The only way to get the entire picture of a supply and demand process is to keep in touch with all departments, as well as external agents such as customers and suppliers. By analysing trends, forecasts and business knowledge, the vendor scheduler can help keep the production line running like clockwork and considerably minimise storage costs and waste.

The skills required

Communication is the key to vendor scheduling. There will be lots of it, with the shop floor, sales and marketing, suppliers, customers and senior management, on a daily basis. Excellent written, graphical and spoken communication will make sure mistakes are minimised and the process runs smoothly.

Analysing results from the sales and marketing teams, as well as orders completed and forecast demand, will be important too. The vendor scheduler will be able to make sense of data and understand how it relates to the business at hand, so a methodical, analytical and logical mindset will stand applicants in good stead for this role.

You will also need to be familiar and competent with planning solutions and general office applications such as spreadsheets, databases and word processors.

Vendor Scheduler Jobs in Nottingham

Situated in the East Midlands, the City of Nottingham is probably best known for its importance in the legends of Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men.

The history of Nottingham goes back much further, however. In the 7th century, it was part of the Kingdom of Mercia. An 11th century castle was constructed on the River Leen and the settlement gradually developed into a thriving community.

During the 1400s, Nottingham began to export religious sculptures carved from alabaster and then, during the Industrial Revolution, the city experienced significant growth.

Textiles were one of Nottingham's major exports, particularly fine lace. But after World War II, this industry fell into steep decline, as it did across the rest of the country when global competition began to increase.

These days, Nottingham is the home of several of the UK's best-known companies in retail, manufacturing, engineering, technology and finance, making it a great place to find Vendor Scheduler vacancies.

Boots the Chemist, for example, was founded in Nottingham in 1849 and is still headquartered there today. Other companies include Experian, E.ON UK, John Player & Sons, Gala Group, Siemens and Vision Express.

HM Revenue and Customs and the Driving Standards Agency are both based in Nottingham, as are a number of bioscience and pharmaceutical companies.

Meanwhile, Atos Origin has offices in Nottingham - they write software for ticket machines and departure boards at train stations - and other tech companies include Reuters, Crytek and Serif Europe.

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Cast UK’s supply chain opportunities

Applicants approach Cast UK for a number of reasons, whether seeking more job fulfilment or simply relocating with the family, so it’s good to know that we always have the complete range of positions available nationwide.

We are a growing force in logistics, procurement and supply chain recruitment, partly because these are the only sectors we deal with. Our founder members and consultants all have backgrounds in logistics, procurement and supply chain, so we know what employers and candidates are looking for in their staff and careers respectively. Thanks to this focus, many employers come to us first to create a candidate shortlist because they know we’ll deliver the best people to them. Please see what’s available in your region and if you’ve seen something you’re interested in, do get in touch – whether it’s today or tomorrow, we might have the best position for you.

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit a Vendor Scheduler for your business or find you a job as a Vendor Scheduler then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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