Implementation Lead - East Anglia

Implementation Lead Jobs

Having great plans for any project is only half the battle – plans need to be put into action and it needs to be done well with oversight and continuous monitoring. This is where the implementation lead is a useful stage in the project’s personnel structure. They have a simple goal – to make sure the plans that need to be completed have enough staffing, time and resources to happen on budget. They often work alongside senior project managers, who rely on them to realise their specific project elements in line with the strategic aims of the company.

In some companies the implementation lead is the equivalent to a board level employee, and has decision-making powers or at least the ability to influence the board. Other companies treat the implementation lead as a team leadership role, with the experience to see tasks through to completion but receiving specific instructions from a manager or director.

The skills required

Implementation leads are usually drawn from the ranks of team leaders and project managers to focus on specific activities, for example a design, a model, and idea, a specification, a standard or a policy. Whereas the project manager and/or director is often focused on the bigger picture, the implementation lead will more likely be working directly with the employees who are putting those plans into action. That means the implementation lead has to be a great communicator and has to be able to deal with employees at all rungs of the ladder.

Experience in the appropriate sector will naturally count for a lot in your search for an implementation lead role. However, management experience is not always a pre-requisite for some companies, who would value your deep understanding of the discipline you are implementing more highly, as long as you can demonstrate an aptitude for giving and taking instruction.

Implementation Lead Jobs in East Anglia

Situated on the North Sea, East Anglia is a region that includes counties like Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, as well as the city of Peterborough.

Up until the 17th century, most of the region was marshland. A network of river diversions and drainage systems built in the 1600s allowed the area to be converted to arable land and the population began to increase.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, East Anglia was known for its textile production, but much of this industry moved north to the Midlands during the 18th and 19th centuries.

One of the most famous institutions in the region is the University of Cambridge, which is one of the world's oldest educational establishments. A near-by cluster of tech businesses - the so-called Silicon Fen - comprises a number of start-up companies, most of which can be linked to the university.

Much of East Anglia's economy is based in agriculture and food production and offers a broad range of opportunities for those seeking Implementation Lead vacancies.

Colman's mustard is manufactured in the region, as is Robinsons squash. A Bernard Matthews turkey farm is located near Weston Longville and Aunt Bessie's roast potatoes are made in Westwick. Meanwhile, Premier Foods manufactures Hartley's Jam, Smash instant potatoes and Rose's Marmalade. In addition, Bird's Eye has two factories in the region.

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Find Implementation Lead Jobs with Cast UK

Companies with big plans need excellent implementation leads to steer and manage their strategy to completion. If you have experience with project management or working in a sector where implementation is a specialized job, there could be employers looking for someone just like you right now.

Why not call us today on 0333 121 3345 so we can get your details on file with a view to letting you know of some excellent implementation lead jobs? We have wonderful relationships with hundreds of companies going through change and transformation, and your skill set could be just what one of them is looking for.

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