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Jobs in Wigan

Wigan could be the archetypal northern town, fulfilling practically every stereotype people might have of the region. It was a relatively sleepy farming and market town in between the minor cities of Manchester and Liverpool and then along came the Industrial revolution and everything changed. While most northern towns had a single trade, be it coal, mills, glass or engineering, Wigan got a bit of everything, particularly the first two. The canals and railways came to town and the population exploded, and Wigan became a real powerhouse in the region, with an estimated thousand mines running simultaneously.

And then, true to the script, the town went into decline as manufacturing went abroad or the demand for its produce waned. But the population of Wigan weren’t cowed by this. They diversified and the town is still thriving to this day. The Tote, Heinz, JJB Sports and Chinamex all have a presence here, and it’s also the home of Uncle Joe’s mintballs!

The town, which is situated between the M61 and the M6, has good shopping and employment, and has a lively entertainment sector, with revellers travelling miles for its night life. It also boasts two top-flight sports clubs: Wigan Athletic Football Club and the rugby league club Wigan Warriors. Ukulele and saucy song maestro George Formby was born in Wigan, as was 80s pop sensation Limahl (he of Kajagoogoo fame, not one of the other Limahls) and the band The Verve. Much-missed actor Roy Kinnear was born there too.

With great links to the major North West cities and towns, an active population of approaching 300,000 throughout the borough and a diverse employment status, Wigan is a great place to find a position.

Cast UK - helping you with your job search

With a wealth of experience in the procurement, logistics and supply chain fields, Cast UK’s team of recruitment consultants understands what it takes to be a successful candidate for every vacancy. We work with clients and applicants from across the country, and try our best to fill each position with the best talent available.

If you’d like more information on the positions in Wigan or anywhere else in the country, do get in touch with Cast UK so we can talk about what’s on offer. Our regional specialists can provide detailed information about the potential employers, the available job types and the average salary that you can expect to earn.

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you find and recruit candidates within Wigan or source a new job in Wigan then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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