Business Change Manager - Worcester

Business Change Manager Jobs

When a company needs to change from within, be it a massive cultural shift or a paced, iterative series of improvements over time, the change needs to be project managed to perfection to minimize disruption, maintain workflow, maximize profitability and as far as possible, ensure that the employees are on board with the changes. This is the job of the change manager.

The change manager is typically in charge of a number of workstreams that are appropriate to the magnitude of the tasks. So that could mean anything from one to multiple workstreams depending on the complexity of the tasks and the manager’s experience. In larger companies the business change manager will report to a business change director, but often the manager is personally responsible for the change in his or her own area and reports directly to the board. In the latter, the manager will often be tasked with deciding on initiatives alongside analysts, the board and the production team itself, and will be judged on the success of his or her projects.

The skills required

In many cases, the details of the change required will be given to you as business change manager, and you will have to project manage them to completion. At other times, however, the role starts much earlier, briefed with the information that change needs to happen and that you are to identify the low-hanging fruit as well as the finer details to come up with a long-term strategy of change.

Whatever your responsibilities, you are going to need a strategic, analytical mindset if you are to see your projects through to completion. Change is often a gradual process that needs a light hand on the tiller once it has been initiated, in which case you could have several overlapping workstreams to take care of. You’ll need to be able to juggle them effectively and know when to delegate management and when to take control yourself. Communication and understanding reports and instructions from people at all levels within the company is a key skill.

Business Change Manager Jobs in Worcester

History runs like a river through the city of Worcester, which is situated on the River Severn 23 miles (38 km) south east of Birmingham. It was a thriving town in Roman times and although it fell out of favour when the empire started to recede, its population had exploded by the middles ages, reaching around 10,000, a huge number in those days. Many of its medieval buildings survive to this day, but there would have been many more had they not been demolished in the rebuilding fervour of the 1950s and 1960s. It was also at Worcester that Oliver Cromwell’s army defeated Charles II’s, leading to England and Wales becoming a republic for a decade.

In more modern times Worcester was famous for is porcelain and glove making, both of which industries have all but disappeared now. Kays, of catalogue fame, was also founded in the city, but the company was bought out by rival Grattan’s owners. Today, the best known product from Worcester is Worcestershire sauce, a fish-based condiment made by Lee and Perrins (two chemists) in Worcester in the early 1800s.

Worcester does have a history of manufacturing, and some of this remains, but today it is a centre for retail and tourism, with many visitors flocking to the city to see its cathedral and its other medieval buildings. It is by far the largest town for 20 miles in any direction, so brings in plenty of visitors from the villages and towns in the surrounding area to do their shopping. The city lies just to the west of the M5, which links Birmingham, and the South East, and has good rail links. Worcester is therefore a good place to look for Business Change Manager positions, and Cast UK do have such jobs available in the city and its surrounding area.

Find Business Change Manager Jobs with Cast UK

Cast UK was founded in Manchester and thanks to our success, outgrew our first office within a couple of years and we now have offices in London and Birmingham, too. This success is built on the fact that we have relationships with companies that mean they come to us first when they are seeking management and executive level employees in the sectors we serve. Our consultants work hard to ensure only the most appropriate candidates are sent, giving companies the pleasant problem of having to decide from several excellent choices.

Could you be the change manager candidate that a company would choose? Call us today on 0333 121 3345 so we can start putting you in contact with some excellent companies.

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